How to: use Driversnote with Shortcuts on your iPhone

You can create shortcuts on your iPhone to make automatic commands that will start and stop tracking with Driversnote. This can be used with Siri voice commands, CarPlay, or several other options.

Please note: iPhone shortcuts are now live again! Existing users who have created shortcuts will need to delete and remake their shortcuts so it works. Please start by removing your existing shortcuts before you follow the new instructions below. If you have any issues with this please do contact us at and we'd be happy to help!

Please make sure you also update the app to at least version 4.21.2 in the App or Play Store.

Create the required shortcuts for Driversnote:

  1. Open the Shortcuts App on your iPhone
  2. Tap the plus sign in the top right to create a new shortcut
  3. Scroll down the list until you find Driversnote and select that.
  4. Select the action "Start trip"
  5. If prompted, turn off the switch Ask Before Running at the bottom of your screen and from the pop-up prompt select Don't Ask
  6. Press Done
  7. Repeat steps 1-6 in order to connect the action called "Stop trip"

When you create a shortcut, there are a number of ways you can use them:

Siri voice commands

To activate Siri for your iPhone follow the instructions that Apple have provided, if you have not already done so. 

Full voice control

Or, follow the instructions from Apple to enable full voice control. This option means that your phone is always listening for your commands and may respond to anything it hears you say, so this one is not for everyone! We prefer the “Hey Siri” option, but full voice commands may work for you, for example if you are a solo delivery or other driver.

Shortcuts on your home screen

Once you have the shortcut ready in the Shortcuts app, you can use the instructions from Apple to add that shortcut to a home screen widget

Shortcuts with CarPlay

Driversnote lets you run shortcuts to start and stop tracking trips with Apple CarPlay for a smarter and safer way to use your iPhone in your vehicle.

Add shortcuts to CarPlay

  1. Open the Shortcuts App and tap the Automation tab
  2. Tap Create personal automation > CarPlay
  3. Choose the option Connects, tick "Run immediately", make sure "Notify when Run" is off and tap the Next button in the top right corner
  4. Scroll down to Driversnote and tap that (or use the search at the bottom) to locate the Driversnote action called "Start trip"
  5. Press Done
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 to connect the action called "Stop trip" (In step 3, choose Disconnect instead of Connect) 

The first time you connect to CarPlay and trigger a Driversnote action, you will receive a notification from your car's system asking for permission to allow access.


If neither the Driversnote app nor the Driversnote actions are listed as shortcuts, then you would simply need to track a manual trip:

  • Open the app
  • Tap on the green + button and start tracking a trip (you don't need to actually be driving, you can start it while just sitting around).
  • Then, stop it after a minute or so.

After trying that, you should be able to find the shortcut. 

(You can then delete this trip)

Please note

If you would like to track your trips with CarPlay shortcuts, then you will need to disable Auto-tracking. To do that, simply toggle off the Auto-track switch (top left corner on the home screen in the app)

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