How to: change the language of the app

Hello! Hej! Hei! Hoi! Bonjour! Hallo!

Our app is currently available in the following languages:

  • English, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Dutch, French, and German.

How do I change the language?

To change the app's language on Apple/iOS

  1. Go to your phone settings 
  2. Find and tap Driversnote 
  3. Under Preferred language, select English/Danish/Dutch/Swedish/Finnish/French/German
  4. Please note that some parts of the app might take a few hours to update to your new language.

To change the app's language on Android:

  1. Go to your phone settings and then to Apps > Driversnote > Language (This may vary slightly depending on your phone brand)
  2. Select the language you want to use here (you may be able to select System default or another language of your choice) to change the language used in the app.
  3. Restart your phone, then open the app again, then you will have the new language active on your app.

To change the language on the web:

When logged into your account on our website, you can change the language there:

  1. When logged in, go to Your account > Edit account
  2. Scroll down and select your required language under Country & Language
  3. Click the green Save button to confirm the choice

Do contact us at if you have any issues changing this on either phone type!

Support in Danish

We have a few of the most common guides translated into Danish:

If you search "dansk" the guides will pop up. If you need any additional support in Danish, please write us at

Support in French

We also have a few of the most common guides translated into French:

If you search "francais" the guides will pop up. 

Contacting support directly

You can contact us at at any time!

Our support is always available in English and is available in Danish during local business hours.

We have limited support available in French and Swedish, depending on our team members' hours.

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