How to: pause auto-tracking

While Driversnote is best used with auto-tracking, we recognise there are many reasons why you may not want that to be active all the time. But rather than altering detailed settings, we have a simple button Auto-track on the main inbox home screen of our app:

Turning off Auto-track gives you several options for restarting tracking:

With this option, you can resume tracking a selected time (the default is the next day at 8am). But you can tap and select any date you like at any point in the future - great for turning off tracking when you go on holiday but want to resume automatically when you return to work!

Select Yes, resume automatically to save this resume date, or No, keep turned off if you would prefer the tracking to stay off until you choose to turn it on again.

It is best not to alter any other settings in the app or the phone to turn off your tracking, as this may affect how the tracking works in the future.

Remember: Setting location to Always (iOS) or Allow all the time (Android) does not mean we are always tracking you! We cannot and do not want to do that. Always here means that the app is always ready to track in the background.

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