How to: edit a custom reimbursement rate

In the app:

  1. Go to Settings > Mileage rates
  2. If you have more than one workplace, select the workplace you want to edit the rate for
  3. Tap the existing rate at the bottom of the screen
  4. Edit the information as needed
  5. To adjust the dates for the period the rate will apply to, tap the date field(s)

    Use the green arrows to navigate and then tap the date

  6. Tap Save

On the web: 

  1. Sign in to your account here 
  2. Click Settings > Mileage rates
  3. If you have more than one workplace, select the workplace you want to edit the rate for
  4. Tap the existing rate at the bottom of the screen
  5. Edit the information as needed
  6. Tap Save
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