How to: Edit a Saved Location

Saving the addresses of places you visit often can improve the quality of your logbook entries. It is a good idea to keep these up to date so that if you park within 500 meters (0.31 miles) of a Saved Location, Driversnote can recognize your destination and fill in the trip details. 

You can edit a Saved Location in the app or the web version: 

Tip: Once you’ve edited a Saved Location, trips already logged to or from this location will be automatically updated in the Trip list.  

How to: Edit a Saved Location in the app

  1. Tap Settings on the Driversnote home screen
  2. Tap Locations
  3. Tap on the location you want to change
  4. Edit the details, or to delete, tap Delete location
  5. Then, just tap the back arrow, and the changes will be saved automatically.

How to: Edit a Saved Location in the web version

  1. Go to Locations
  2. Click on the location you want to change
  3. Edit the details, then click Save.
  4. To delete the location completely, click Delete instead.
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