What does a Driversnote report look like?

When you create a report for the mileage you have saved in Driversnote, you will be able to save this as a document in PDF format — great for reading, emailing or printing — or an Excel file, which is good for accountants and exporting to other software.

Each PDF report has a title page that looks like this:

Cover page of PDF report

On every report title page you have:

  1. The name of the driver creating the report
  2. The date range for the report
  3. The summary data of the report. This includes a breakdown of Business and Personal driving, mileage totals for each, reimbursement figures if your account includes that, and the totals for each figure overall. 
  4. The personal details for your report, including name, vehicle, workplace (with address) and date the report is generated.
  5. This QR code will link to an online version of the report.

After this, your report will include all your diving details for the selected period, looking like this:

Main data page of PDF report

Each trip has date, From destination, To destination, Purpose (Classification), Distance, Reimbursement rate and Amount of reimbursement.

If you save the report in the Excel spreadsheet format, the data will be the same but with a few additions. It will look as follows:

Page pf Excel report

This report has the same data, but includes the time in the Start and Stop fields. It is generally used for accounting or for exporting data to other software.

You can download the same reports above to see the whole file:

Sample report in PDF format

Sample report in Excel format

Note: The sample reports above are for a US user so are in miles and dollars. Most countries will use kilometres and their local currency.

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