How to: log into the app

There are several options to log into your Driversnote account, whether on the app or the web.


You will always be able to log into your Driversnote account with a password. You can create a new account with a password to begin, and you can always request a reset for that password if you forget it or need to change it.

One-time link or login code

Both when signing up for an account but also at any point after that you need to login (whether you created a password or not), you can request a one-time link to be sent to your email address.

When you receive this one-time link, it will look like the above. You can use the code and copy/paste that into the prompt for your login, or you can click the login link below it to immediately login to the app.

This function will allow you to login to the app or to the web and would be especially useful if you are using the app on a new device.

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