How long does the free trial last?

Driversnote is free for up to 15 trips per month. If you log more, you won’t be charged - but you’ll need to upgrade to the Basic plan to generate a full report.

The Basic subscription can be paid monthly or yearly. The yearly plan comes with a free iBeacon.

Pricing and how to upgrade

To view plans and pricing, visit the pricing page.

How to upgrade

If you're ready to upgrade, head over to Your Account on our website and click Upgrade now.

You’ll be given the choice of an annual or a monthly subscription. You can also add more iBeacons to your order if you have more than one vehicle.

Common questions

Q: Do I need to buy the iBeacon?

Nope! When upgrading your subscription (Step 2 of 3), you can simply use the minus (-) to set the number of iBeacons to 0. In this way, you will upgrade your subscription without getting an iBeacon.

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