Help! There is no rate applied to my trip

There can be a few reasons why no reimbursement rate is applied to your trip or not printed on your report. Below are the most common reasons and how to fix them.

Tip: if you want to edit multiple trips simultaneously, consider the bulk feature on the web version of the app. Learn more here: How to classify trips

Trips are classified as personal

To fix this, follow these steps: 

  1. Tap the All trips tab in the app
  2. Ensure the right month and vehicle are selected
  3. Tap the trips you want to edit and then tap Business
  4. If you’ve got multiple workplaces, select the correct workplace in the drop-down menu
  5. Tap < Done

Trips are classified as business but tracked under the wrong workplace

To fix this, follow these steps: 

  1. Tap the All trips tab in the app
  2. Ensure the right month and vehicle are selected
  3. Tap the trips you want to edit and then tap Business
  4. Tap the workplace field, and a drop-down menu will show
  5. Tap the workplace you want to move the trip to
  6. Tap < Done

Trips tracked outside the date range for reimbursement rate

Most reimbursement periods run for 12 months, and trips tracked outside the date range will not have a rate applied. 

We automatically update and apply Standard rates for the country in the app. This issue is, in most cases, related to expired custom reimbursement rates.

To fix this, either: 

  1. Create a new custom reimbursement rate, or
  2. Edit and extend the date range of an existing custom rate 

If you choose alternative A, follow the steps presented here: How to: set a custom reimbursement rate.

If you choose alternative B and want to extend the date range of an existing rate, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings and tap on Mileage rates
  2. Tap the workplace you want to edit the rate for
  3. Scroll down and tap the existing rate
  4. If you want to change the rate, tap the rate field and enter the rate. If not, simply leave as is
  5. Tap the second date field 
  6. Use the green arrows to navigate and tap the date you want the rate applied until
  7. Tap Save and then< Done

Tip: You can extend a rate to apply at an earlier date. To do this, tap the first date field and adjust the start date of the period.

You are a team member, and no rate is applied to trips tracked under the team’s workplace

If this is the case, reach out to the team admin to let them know. Only they can edit the reimbursement rates for a team. 

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