How to: get an annual mileage report

If you need an annual report in Driversnote, you can easily create that.

If you need a reminder you can set that in the app so you know when it is time to create the report.

When you create the report you can follow our instructions to create a report in the app or create a report on the web

Depending on your country, you will have an option for the time period in your report This year and Last year, or This tax year and Last tax year. This is dependent on whether your tax year is the calendar year (such as the USA), or another period (such as Australia). 

Alternatively, if your annual period is different again, you can select any dates from the calendar. You can set your reporting period to Yearly and then add a custom Starting on date to set your annual period however you choose.

Once that is done you can save your report.

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