How to: purchase licenses

If you have team members who you know will be tracking and reporting more than 15 trips per month, they’ll need a license to be able to create unrestricted reports. 

To purchase a license:

  1. On Driversnote’s website, go to Members > Buy licenses
  2. Check the box, that you buy as a company and enter your company information
  3. Select the number of Basic licenses to purchase
  4. Select the number of iBeacons to purchase
  5. Enter your payment information and confirm the purchase

Once your payment has been successful, under the Members tab, at the top corner you’ll see the number of licenses that you have purchased and assigned.

Team licenses will not be automatically assigned once purchased - if you or someone is having trouble creating a report even after purchasing a license, check that they have one assigned to them!

To know more about pricing, you can fill out this form if you haven't already or write to us at

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