Auto-tracking with the iBeacon

This step-by-step guide will show you how to connect and track with the iBeacon. 

If you haven’t ordered your iBeacon yet or want to learn more, click here.

In this article

I am new to Driversnote

Welcome! We recommend you start by downloading the Driversnote mobile app for Android or iPhone to activate your iBeacon.

With the app, you’ll be able to record your trips automatically, keep a log of your mileage and create tax compliant reports. Check our Get started with Driversnote guide to learn more about the app’s features.

Once you’ve downloaded the app, you’ll need to create an account. Tap on Get started and follow the sign-up process. Then follow the steps below to connect your iBeacon.

I already have the mobile app

Open the Driversnote app and make sure you are logged in with the email address you used when signing up. You can proceed with the below steps and connect your iBeacon.

Step-by-step: How to connect the iBeacon

Remove the plastic tab from the back of the iBeacon to activate the battery. Then:

  1. Make sure Bluetooth is turned On on your phone (for iPhone: also check that Bluetooth permission is toggled on by going to your phone’s Settings -> Driversnote)
  2. Open the Driversnote app
  3. Go to Settings in the app menu
  4. Tap on iBeacons
  5. Select your iBeacon (If there is more than one in the area, you can identify yours using the 4-digit code on its side)
  6. If you have more than one vehicle in the app, choose the one you’ll use the iBeacon for from the dropdown menu
  7. Tap Add
  8. Make sure “Auto track” is toggled on in the upper lefthand corner of the app

Lissi, from our support team shows you how to connect the iBeacon. See below for if you have an iPhone and the next video after, if you have an Android device:


Even though the iBeacon is a Bluetooth device it is  not possible to pair it in your phone's Bluetooth settings. You can only connect to it through the Driversnote app.

I have connected the iBeacon. What next?

Now all that's left to do is leave it in your vehicle: Place the iBeacon in the glove compartment, main console, or the car door. Just ensure it’s not obstructed by water or metal, as they can hinder the connection. The battery won't need to be replaced for at least 4 years.

“Auto track” in the Driversnote app, and your phone’s Bluetooth should be turned on for the iBeacon to record your trips.


1. You can turn auto-tracking with the iBeacon on and off by toggling “Auto track” On or Off on the home screen of the Driversnote app.

2. Do not turn ON your phone's Low Power mode. This will stop the app from working in the background.

3. See how to set “Work hours” in the app for automatic classification of your trips between “Business” and “Personal/Private”.

4. If you have an Android, make sure your battery-saving settings are disabled. Read more here

Additional Auto-tracking settings

There are a few other features to make auto-tracking even simpler. By customizing the options below, it will make reviewing your trips easier and faster.

Trip Classification: Alternative to work hours, you can select how to classify trips in the following 3 ways:

  • Based on previous trip
  • Always as business
  • Always as personal

To enable one of these, open the app > go to  Settings > Auto-tracking > Trip classification

For more detailed instructions on enabling work hours, check out our guide: How to add your working hours

Vehicle Classification: This is only necessary when you have more than one vehicle and are using auto-tracking through ‘Motion’ detection. You have 2 ways to choose from:

  • Based on previous trip
  • Vehicle 1
  • Vehicle 2

This will be the standard-setting. However, you can always change and review the trips and assign them to another vehicle afterward.

To enable one of these, open the app > go to  Settings > Auto-tracking > Vehicle 

Workplace Classification: This is only necessary when you have more than one workplace. If you have a preferred workplace or one that you track more trips one, we would suggest choosing this one. You will then have fewer trips to review and change. You can choose from the following

  • Based on previous trip
  • Workplace 1
  • Workplace 2

This will be the standard-setting. However, you can always change and review the trips and assign them to another workplace afterward.  

To enable one of these, open the app >  Settings > Auto-tracking > Workplace

Common questions

Q: I can't connect my iBeacon - what do I do?

If you can’t connect your iBeacon, take a look at our iBeacon troubleshooting guide. You’ll need to double-check your settings to make sure they are set correctly.

Q: My iBeacon is not tracking my trips. How can I fix this? 

The first thing to check is that the app is on the latest version and your settings and permissions are correct. Make sure location is set to always and that access to Motion & Fitness (on iPhone) or Physical Activity (on Android) is enabled. Double-check that Auto-track is toggled on (top left corner of the app). Finally, make sure that your phone is not in Low Power Mode. Here's our guide on Tracking Configuration & Settings Requirements

Get in touch with us at if the iBeacon isn’t reconnecting or still isn’t tracking trips.

Q: Can I edit an auto-tracked trip with the iBeacon? 

It is not possible to edit the start or end location of an auto-tracked trip. However, you can create a new trip manually and then delete the incorrect one. You can edit the type of trip, add a note and the name of the locations. Read more here: How to edit a trip

Q: Can I use both Auto-tracking with the iBeacon and Auto-tracking with motion detection to track my trips?

It's not possible to track both with the iBeacon and motion detection concurrently. You will need to switch over from Auto-tracking with motion detection to Auto-tracking with the iBeacon (or the opposite). To do that, simply open the Driversnote app, go to Settings > Auto-tracking > enable the auto-tracking method you would like to use to track your mileage.

Q: When does the battery need to be replaced? Can I check? 

Typically the batteries last 4 years. We provide replacement batteries free of charge. To check if the battery is low, please disconnect the iBeacon from the app and add it again. If you are unable to add it again, the battery might be dead. If in doubt, reach out, and we can help check. 

Q: How can I order an extra iBeacon? 

You can order a new iBeacon via this link > Change Subscription > Order Extra iBeacon

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